I love collectible card games, and we don’t get nearly enough of them on the PC, where we can find infinite friends to play with and not arouse our spouse’s anger by cluttering up the living room floor with deck piles.
That’s why I was so excited when Hearthstone, an online collectible card game, was announced by Blizzard last week at PAX East. You already know that I enjoy playing Magic: The Gathering (I have a podcast for that!) and World of Warcraft (I have a podcast for that too!), so Hearthstone is kind of a perfect game for me. That’s why I’m jumping in and launching a new podcast dedicated to Hearthstone, a game that’s been in the public eye for less than 3 days and won’t be released for several more months.
I’m starting off with a simple question: What is Hearthstone?
Download The Happy Hearthstone #1: What is Hearthstone?
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The Links
- Sign up for the beta!
- Watch the entire announcement panel
- Skip straight to the shoutcasted match
- Visit the official website
- Learn about Calvinball, the greatest sport ever invented and then try to play it yourself
- The basics of Hearthstone
- The goal of this podcast
- Where are the co-hosts?
Hearthstone Announced at PAX East
- What they showed at the panel
- 3 defining aspects: charming, WoW TCG, and free to play
- Gameplay basics: Heroes, classes, creatures
- Cards: 300 currently, different quality levels
- Devs: 15 people, fast release schedule
When can you play Hearthstone?
- Playable at PAX
- Beta in the summer
- Release in 2013
Why I’m excited for Hearthstone
- Star Wars TCG
- Magic: The Gathering
- World of Warcraft
- Getting my wife interested in it
Card of the Week
Lord Jaraxxus, the worst/best demon ally you could ever ask for!
Feedback Please!
- What you want to see in future episodes
- My current plan for the first few episodes
Join The Podcast
- SUBSCRIBE to The Happy Hearthstone podcast on iTunes or this RSS feed.
- FOLLOW me on Twitter or Google+
- MEET new Hearthstone friends and discuss deck strategies and the latest game news in our Google+ Community.
- PLAY with us in Hearthstone, whenever we actually get into beta!