Last week, we interrupted our regular broadcasting schedule to bring you hands-on reports from people that played Hearthstone at Blizzard’s Irvine campus. This week, we jump back on the class dissection train and take a look at three core abilities for the Druid and Shaman decks: Windfury, Overload, and Choose One.
This episode was recorded right before we went to Blizzard, and delayed in order to get those hands-on impressions to you faster. So accept my preemptive apologies if some of the card data used is a couple weeks old.
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- David is on the show this week
- Topic: Discussing three abilities – Choose One, Windfury, Overload
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A full list of all Windfury cards
What it does: This allows the minion the ability (option) to attack twice each turn. Can attack separate targets.
Magic Equivalent: Closest is Double Strike, but it takes damage on both attacks and can choose different targets for each. Double strike is just duplicated attack swings during combat.
What classes can use Windfury:
- Neutral: 4
- Druid: 0
- Hunter: 0
- Mage: 0
- Paladin: 0
- Priest: 0
- Rogue: 0
- Shaman: 5
- Warlock: 0
- Warrior: 0
Card Examples:
- Windspeaker – Aggression/Removal – This card has great combo potential. Combine it with a minion with high attack damage to end the game quickly. Or take advantage of unique creature abilities like Emperor Cobra to destroy two minions in a turn.
- Doomhammer – Removal/Card Draw – Being able to attack twice with your hero can be devastating. You can clear the enemy minions, but you will take extra damage in return. Here’s a great card to combo with: Captain Greenskin. More card draw!
Tips for using it effectively
- Always consider effects beyond attack damage. Any time you put an aggressive buff on a minion that has Windfury, you take advantage of that buff twice.
- Don’t forget that if you attack other minions, your creature/hero takes damage every time they attack. Try to clear the board with your spells, and focus your Windfury minions on the enemy hero.
A full list of all Overload cards
What it does: Adds a mana cost that is automatically paid next turn, no matter what.
Magic Equivalent: There is none. Yay!
What classes can use Overload:
- Neutral: 0
- Druid: 0
- Hunter: 0
- Mage: 0
- Paladin: 0
- Priest: 0
- Rogue: 0
- Shaman: 10
- Warlock: 0
- Warrior: 0
Card Examples:
- Dust Devil – Early aggression – Get this guy down early, and as long as your opponent doesn’t kill it, they are in for a world of hurt.
- Lightning Bolt – Spreading out mana costs to play other big cards – This card is a staple, and you should have 2 copies in every shaman deck.
- Unbound Elemental – Creature buffing – This creature is only average until you build an Overload deck around it. Then it’s terrifying.
Tips for using it effectively
- Overload is generally found on cards that would have been overpowered without it. It’s not a complex ability, but it’s easy to forget that you’ll have less options on the following turn.
- In David’s opinion, it’s one of the more overpowered abilities. It is the definition of card tempo. Deal with the threat now (or create your own threat), at a reduced cost, and pay the rest of the cost later. It’s like a credit card, with no interest!
Choose One
A full list of all Choose One cards
What it does: When the effect triggers (usually when spell or creature is cast), you can choose one of the possible effects and it happens.
Magic Equivalent: No keyword, but it’s common for cards to say “Choose one: X, Y, or Z”
What classes can use Taunt:
- Neutral: 0
- Druid: 10
- Hunter: 0
- Mage: 0
- Paladin: 0
- Priest: 0
- Rogue: 0
- Shaman: 0
- Warlock: 0
- Warrior: 0
Card Examples:
- Power of the Wild – Deck flexibility – It’s a spell or a minion, and it’s flexible so that it’s never a dead card. The spell is super good when you have a lot of minions. If you don’t, a 3/2 minion for 2 is a great draw.
- Druid of the Claw – Creature specialization – The minion can either be hyper-aggressive or hyper-defensive, whichever works best at the time. Decide during the game, not beforehand when building the deck.
- Nourish – Mana acceleration or card draw – Whichever resource you need more of, you get it.
Tips for using it effectively
- Play it smart and look at all of the possible ways that the different effects can change the board.
- Don’t rush it – wait for the right situation.
- Sometimes you’ll just have to play the creature without any of the choices being optimal.
Card of the Week
Don’t mourn them. They died doing what they loved.
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