The best defense isn’t always a good offense. Sometimes it’s a fatty wall of knights, abominations, and trolls that will give their lives to defend you. This episode’s deck takes the standard control warrior deck and gives it a fresh twist with an emphasis on taunt minions and spells that boost taunt minions in particular.
But can its beefy minions and heavy removal finally crack the seemingly impossible to defeat Warlock Demon Zoo deck? Watch the video below or listen to the podcast to see!
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- Andrew is on the show this week
- Topic: Deck Battle!
- Reasons to be happy this week
- News: We’re going to BlizzCon!
What is a Deck Challenge?
Once a month, we ask a guest host to bring their favorite deck onto the show. They explain what cards they use, how it works, and why they like playing it.
Then, they put their decks to the test and do battle against the other host (who uses the defending champion deck) in a best-of-3-series, live on the show. If the challenger wins, their deck becomes the new Happy Hearthstone Deck Champion and will be used in the future until it’s beaten.
Past Deck Battles
Hunter Beastmaster vs Warlock Swarm
Hunter Beastmaster vs Secret Mage
Hunter Beastmaster vs Muhammad Ali Shaman
Hunter Beastmaster vs Power Paladin
Hunter Beastmaster vs Barbarian Warrior
Barbarian Warrior vs Arcane Druid
Barbarian Warrior vs Survival Paladin
Survival Paladin vs. Last Standin Paladin
Survival Paladin vs. Mech Mage
Mech Mage vs. Mech Shaman
Mech Shaman vs. Warlock Demon Zoo
Warlock Demon Zoo vs. Mech Grim Patron Warrior
Warlock Demon Zoo vs. Dragon Priest
Defending Deck: Andrew’s Warlock Demon Zoo deck has reigned supreme for 4 months, and has beaten 3 decks before this episode.
Challenger Deck: That-Other-Andrew has brought out a Taunt Warrior deck that relies on a sturdy defensive wall that sustains it through to the end-game.
The Deck
- 2x Armorsmith
- 2x Acolyte of Pain
- 1x Big Game Hunter
- 2x Sludge Belcher
- 1x Emperor Thaurissan
- 1x Justicar Trueheart
- 2x Master Jouster
- 2x Sunwalker
- 1x Ragnaros the Firelord
- 1x Ysera
- 1x Varian Wrynn
- 2x Execute
- 2x Shield Slam
- 2x Fiery War Axe
- 2x Bolster
- 2x Bash
- 2x Shield Block
- 2x Brawl
In case you don’t have some of the ideal cards, here are some quality back ups and alterations you can make that keep with the same theme and strengths of the deck.
- 2x Sen’jin Shieldmasta
- 2x Death’s Bite
- 2x Annoy-o-tron
- 2x Shieldmaiden
- 2x Antique Healbot
The Duel!
Post-Duel Commentary
- Who won
- Obligatory bragging session
- Challenger Deck: How well did it perform?
- Defending Deck: How well did it perform?
- Best moments in the matches
- The Happy Hearthstone Champion Ceremony(tm)
- Question: Most fun TGT deck
- iTunes Reviews
- No donations this week
The Dust Bowl
We open card packs donated by listeners, and pick our favorites and least favorites on the show!
Thanks to our supporters:
- No pack donations this week
Card of the Week
- Contact Andrew on Twitter, Email him, or add him on as anoverdrive#6189
- What you want to see in future episodes
- What hosts you want to visit the show
Join The Podcast
- SUPPORT the show with your contributions of time or money!
- SUBSCRIBE to The Happy Hearthstone podcast on iTunes or this RSS feed
- FOLLOW me on Twitter or Google+ or email me
- MEET new Hearthstone friends and discuss deck strategies and the latest game news in our Google+ Community.
- PLAY with us in Hearthstone, whenever you get into the beta!