Lightning bolts, frogs, and plenty of axes. This Shaman deck uses strong spells and weapons to delete threats early on, and then keep the board clear in the mid-game with AoE. Even better, it uses ZERO Legendaries, so new players can build it pretty quickly. Then, learn to control your enemy long enough to play your own big threats late-game and strangle them slowly.
Find out more about this deck and watch it in action in the latest episode of Happy Hearthstone!
Note from Josh: The rest of this article was written by Adam Clegg. Thanks, Adam!
The Muhammad Ali Shaman
This deck will outplay any heroes early game (yes, even murloc Warlock decks) and utilize its mid-game totem/Pyromancer control to last until the late game, where you crush your opponent by slowly leaning on them and watch as they slowly run out of cards and concede.
Let’s get straight into the cards I used in my deck for the mighty showdown with Josh. You can find a completely plain deck list on the podcast episode. Here, I’ll provide additional commentary where I feel it’s helpful or necessary.
This card is very sneaky. You can have two 0/2 totems out and look like you have a non threatening board. After dropping this bad boy in between your two totems you know have 2 2/2s to clear their board.
Even after the nerf, this card creates a ton of tempo for your deck and helps you get totems out by giving your opponent another target.
A very key card for the deck, it combos nicely with your heal totem giving you many 1 damage to all creature pings over many turns.
All-around solid creature, better when you use them with totems.
2x Azure Drake
This card is very good in this deck for spell damage, and for the tempo of drawing another card.
This card usually comes out of nowhere late game and is a nice surprise for your opponent. If they can’t deal with it the turn it comes out, the game usually ends shortly after.
This is the bread-and-butter of dealing damage out of nowhere, very solid card in any deck in my opinion.
This is your late game finisher, usually taking out a creature when it comes into play and leaves a large threat late game when your opponent has very few cards left in hand.
2x Earth Shock
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS CARD. It one-shots so many things and silences their massive legendary cards.
I call this card the “Makes your opponent sad” card. You 2-for-1 their board, gain board control and make your opponent sad all in one turn for 1 mana.
Solid removal card, very good early game. This is a key card for early game board control.
Another solid removal card that helps maintain early board control.
This card has won me so many games that I’ve fallen in love with it. It usually removes 3 creatures early game and gains you a ton of tempo for casting totems.
2x Feral Spirit
This card is not used for attacking, but mainly used for mid-game defense. It sucks up your opponents cards while you gain some card advantage on them by not having to waste your spells on their creatures.
2x Hex
This card is basically for damage control, or what I like to call Legendary control. Every deck needs cards like this to kill super powerful minions.
Insert the usual “AOE damage cards are amazing” comment. Enough said.
Possible Additions
The above decklist is the ideal setup that I enjoy running. But you might not have all of those cards right now, and that’s okay—you can still make a great deck by using some substitutions. Here are a few cards you can swap in until you get all of the pieces together.
2x Loot Hoarder
Some players prefer the Loot Hoarder’s damage over the instant-draw from Novice Engineer. Feel free to use whichever you prefer.
Good card draw, and a decent filler if you have some empty spots. It’ll help you reach the cards you do have even faster.
1x Lava Burst
Earth Elemental might be tough to get early on. If you get a Lava Burst first, use that instead.
You will face countless Legendaries on enemy teams in constructed. This is a great, and cheap, way to get those Legendaries in your deck too!
2x Bloodlust
A great game finisher if you’re ahead, and a great equalizer if you’re surrounded by bigger minions and need a way to balance the field.
Final Thoughts
I think you should try this deck because it’s cheap to make (no Legendaries in it), Shaman is a fun class to play, and this deck has a good chance to win any game you play.
Be sure to listen to our last episode of the podcast, where we talk about the deck at length. If you try it out, tell us what you thought of it, and what cards you swapped in to have the most success.